Zoot GTD Setup
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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.
Outliners.com Message ID: 3668
Posted by daly_de_gagne
2005-08-05 18:49:56
Every six months or so I look at Zoot, become intimidated, think about pretty screens, RTF, colour, and then close Zoot.
I have not been happy with my ability to get a task set up that I like in other programs. I want to use a GTD format. But I have always thought it would mean moving a lot of stuff around, and cloning it. So I don’t really get down to it.
This morning I opened up Zoot. Looking at the task section, and seeing what the Admiral has already done, with some trial and error, and only one brief look at the help file, I managed to set up project and context-based next action views. It really seems to work. I have put in one task, and presto, it showed up where it should in the Admiral’s views, as well as the ones I created.
I think I like it. I think it will do what I want, which is to be able to brainstorm, plan, and do task assignements from one place without a lot of fuss.
Guess I’d better send the Admiral some money.