Re: LiquidStoryBinder
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 3463
Posted by graham.smith
2005-07-08 19:15:29
Nota bene is indeed intriguing, and I am still coming to grips with it - not helped by using the current slightly buggy beta.
There are lots of things I like about NB, but you do need to put some work into it, and for it to really work you need to store all your data as NB, ibidem or ididem plus databases. Both ididem and ibidim plus allow you to attach an NB file for notes, and Orbis will search all NB files.
Assuming you can forgo the Zooter, you could probably put together a reasonable Zoot replacement. Ibidem Plus lets you set up a data base form, that acts as a structured front end to an NB file. So you can use ibidem to search any of the indexed fields and use Orbis to search all the NB text files. Orbis then returns hits in paragraph sized chunks, regardless of the size of the documents it searched. The structured front end then allows you to produce reports, and if you don’t want this, Orbis will search every word in every NB file, and gives a pretty sophisticated results page.
So with a combination of Ibidem for bibliographic data and a few customised “ibidem plus” databases, together with the tight integration with NotaBene, then I think it probably comes close the ideal system.
It does have a steepish learning curve, but is very powerful so probably worth it. I would wait until version 8 is out of beta and have a go with the 60 day trial. Version 8 is a bit friendlier and has some enhanced features compared to v6.
It is however, one of those programs, that you need the 60 days of intensively using it before being sure that it is what you want.