Re: Searches...
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 3435
Posted by 100341.2151
2005-07-02 01:52:20
> How does Wilbur compare to something like Google, MSN or Yahoo Desktop Search? It sounds like it indexes a lot more than they do. Is it slower to index, perhaps?
Stephen -
Sorry for delay, but my messages seem not to be getting through for some reason.
3rd time :-)
I can only compare Wilbur to dtSearch. Wilbur is slower to index, and much alower to search (dtS, after loading Adobe Reader, is almost instantaneous). It indexes about as much as dtSearch, but is text only - no views of files in their native programs via Active-X, or however it’s done). OTOH, you can easily switch to the “real” file by double-clicking, but your result is not highlighted in it.
The only reason I bought dtSearch was it indexes a slightly wider variety of files than Wilbur does - something I need for my current research which involves d/l and reading reams of government reports.
I don’t find Wilbur slowness a problem as I set up my directory/subdirectory system on a topic basis for whatever I am working on. This means I can index groups of files rather than the whole HDD.
X1, which I rather like, only allows whole disk indexing - at least it only allows one to construct one index at a time. This means results lists that are far too long in many cases. Of course, using advanced search techniques, filtering (where it is offered), etc., one can drill down pretty effectively, but I prefer my way :-).
Lastly, I have found Wilbur very reliable and, although its author is now doing other things, he still tweaks it from time to time.