Re: how do you import grandview outlines into microsoft word
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2944
Posted by sub
2005-03-11 12:26:33
[Steve Z.: It always made me feel like Dorothy stepping into colorful OZ from monotone Kansas… and to take the analogy a step further… even though Kansas (DOS & GV) was more like home.]
That’s the same way I’ve felt for a long time; I once had a complete system built around WordPerfect 5.1, Quattro Pro, Paradox 4 and the like. I reluctantly switched to MS Word and later to Access only because the organisation I was in switched to Windows 95 and its parafernalia.
Till recently, I can’t say I had managed to re-establish a similar integrated system. I’m now well on my way, after a lot of experimentation and compromise.
But imagine for a moment people who grew up in Oz; what are the chances of them finding beauty in Kansas?
I think this—the abstraction and the absence of most visual elements that one expects from programs nowadays- is probably the single most important reason for Brainstorm’s small user base.
Brainstorm, to me, represents an altogether different culture, which not only selects content over format, but actually feels uncomfortable with the formatting elements around.