Re: Ergonomics of Appearance
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2683
Posted by srdiamond15
2005-02-03 12:03:32
Should ADM then include this way of selecting categories, incorporating the grouping function? Is there a likelihood in your opinion that it will? If not, why _should_ ADM develop ways of organizing data that are inferior to the best available? Wouldn’t it then make sense for adm to focus on its brainstorming/conceptualizing features?
Stephen R. Diamond
Stephen, I don’t know that ADM will advance its keyword capability sufficiently for it replace MDE InfoHandler. It is more than just being able to filter on two or more keywords at once. What makes IH practical to set up and to use is the ability to group categories (keywords) so that you do not have one l-o-n-g list of categories to plow through. IH’s system of groups allows for a fairly quick, logical process of selecting particular categories for a new document.- Daly