Re: Understanding keywords
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2670
Posted by ureadit
2005-01-31 22:57:46
Perhaps an explanation of how GrandView handled this would help. In GV one could define categories (think of these as general subject categories) and assignments in each category (think of assignments as subcategories or topics related to the containing subject category).
One could then set up rules that would connect outline items that contained a particular word or word combination to an assignment in a category. Of course, one could create additional rules that would connect an outline item to more than one assignment in more than one category, and different word combinations could be used to connect different outline items to the same assignment in a category. The assignment names could be words in the outline or could be other terms.
Also, as the outline grew, one could automatically update the connections with a single command and could manually make a connection, or prevent a particular connection from being made.
Then, if one switched from the outline view to the category view, one could choose a particular category and a particular assignment in that category, and GV would automatically show all of the outline items connected to that category assignment.
Thus, if I had an outline covering several projects, organizations, and information about both, I could set up a category “meetings” and assignments for each organization. Then when the GAO asked me for a list of all meetings I had with organization X, I could create the list in three seconds or less. I could also go through the list, pick a particular item and with a single command bring up the outline with that item highlighted.