EULAs and software installation
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2655
Posted by ureadit
2005-01-29 22:33:56
I have just discovered that Knowledge Workshop has the same installation restrictions as does Info Recall. These restrictions restrict the computer(s)on which you can install the software. While I understand a vendor’s concern about unauthorized software installations, the particular approach taken by these vendors, and possibly others, may some day leave a user high and dry.
Based on their EULAS, I infer that these vendors require knowledge of the specific computers on which their software is to be installed.
The danger to the user is that a vendor may suddenly disappear, making it impossible for a user to transfer the software to a newer or different computer.
I, for one, intend to continue to verify that any software I purchase from a small vendor does NOT have this restriction.