Re: An Addition to the List
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2466
Posted by srdiamond15
2005-01-06 18:44:39
I am still toying with UR, because it seems to me to offer some of the same power as Zoot, but with the bonus of text formatting. Its current inability to open more than one database at a time (and consequent inability to search more than one database at a time) is its major drawback as far as I can see so far. I doubt, however, that it will replace Zoot in my heart or on my computer, because Zoot still has the easiest data capture around. I would use UR as a replacement for InfoSelect.—Steve Zeoli
IR is complex enough that it offers many surprises, mostly pleasant. Usually I write in a different application—Word or BrainStorm—and I capture material in a different place, OneNote, where I do a lot of he analysis. Now UR allows you to store documents within the program itself, even though they were generated elsewhere, and a OneNote section is a document. So I added the ONE extension tag to the list in UR, to see what UR would do with a OneNote section. I was actually surprised that it worked flawlessly. MyInfo3 also stores documents within its own database, but it doesn’t provide for adding new extension names. When I imported a OneNote section into MyInfo, it seemed to store the document, but failed to display it at all.
Stephen R. Diamond