Re: An Addition to the List
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2446
Posted by srdiamond15
2005-01-05 15:59:33
Why don’t you describe the procedure for moving categories from any place in the hierarchy of categories to any other, when they are selected in any combination. If IH has that, I was wrong about its capabilities, nothing more or less. Because such a capability would make it a capable outliner of categories, regardless of whether you want to call them key words or an outline. There’s no way to even address this issue intelligibly without first saying what you take the difference in function between a tree a a hierarchical system of keywords. I don’t think you can, because trivially there’s none. MyInfo3 has the equivalent of a keyword system in its system of cloning.
What you do say about the difference in function between keywords and a tree outline is limited to describing key words as “based on a list or lists.” But that does nothing to distinguish organization by outline or by keywords, because oun outline, of course, is a list.
A category qualifies as more appropriate to one or another program based on how much reorganization of the categories you intend to do. If your work is best served by relatively permanent categories, you are aided by a distinction between category and item objects. If you anticipate more blurring of the lines and transformation in your organization scheme, then the distinction will hinder you. All of this is moot as applied to IH, if as you say you can effectively mark and gather categories within it. I await your confirmation.