Re: An Addition to the List
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2428
Posted by srdiamond15
2005-01-03 22:34:20
MDE InfoHandler fits in this group. On my five factors it would score a 3, but that’s relative to my purposes, which do not involve organizing massive amounts of data. For such organizing, it may be the best solution available for under $200.
The factors MDE InfoHandler fails to score are dividing individual items and multi-selection. Like Idea!, InfoHandler provides multiple selection of items but not of categories, which I take to mean these programs contemplate a growing but structurally static set of categories. Programs like UR are more fluid, but also potentially more chaotic. While Idea! and MDE InfoHandler have two distinct kinds of objects, categories and records/info items, UR is monistic, apparently contemplating the possibility that the hierarchies will need drastic revision.
I was mistaken earlier when I wrote that MyInfo3 did not import rich text. It does: but you have to put the item or items in a folder and select the folder. But when you import rich text, it does it correctly (as contrasted with some unsightliness with cut and paste).
I also did the 1000-page scroll test for MyInfo3 (beta), and it accomplished the scroll in ten seconds, essentially the same as TexNotes and three times faster than Ultra Recall and HyperClip (which I do give an extra half point for having the coolest name).
So MyInfo3 is now tied with UR for my purposes, which gives me license to invoke subjective factors. I think I prefer the clean look of MyInfo to the Office 2003 style of UR. MyInfo is also compatible with WindowBlinds, while UR isn’t, and I admit to being shallow enough to care how programs loook.
Stephen R. Diamond