Re: MyInfo 3, Jot+, etc., and the vital need for calendars
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2348
Posted by daly_de_gagne
2004-12-25 23:21:47
Stephen, how does the amount of coding needed for a calendar/task program weigh a program down, given the way computers work today?
And while gamers may be a significant part of My Info’s market, it is not the only segment. Nor does it mean that gamers only use MyInfo for gaming stuff.
Many people use the calendar/task features on Outlook—but not all users do. The options are there for the user to decide upon.
Some users view time/tasks as part of the information they wish to process. Why should they not have that feature in programs that presume to be information management products? Planning, for many people, is an important aspect of managing information.
Incidentally, Plana, Milenix’s beta task manager is a neat little program. My understanding is that it will eventually dovetail with MyInfo so that the program will end up with more functionality around tasks and time.