Re: Interesting new software with really bad name
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2218
Posted by srdiamond15
2004-10-06 05:43:59
1. Regarding the screen response in the editor, are you on a slow machine? I was unable to verify. (2.66 GHz, Windows XP Pro, typing speed = 80 wpm.)
2. The similarity between ndxCards and LN is that in each you construct an outline of a project and drag cards to the outline for content. ndxCards seems to have a stronger key words functionality, allowing it to be used as a database too.
LN is more self-sufficient; ndx Cards is meant to function in the company of MS Office. If you have PowerPoint, Visio, or OneNote (I think you mentioned acquiring the last), you can drag from the notes list to one of these Office applications. In the Office application you can then drag images of the cards around, Writers Block fashion.
The help in LN is minimal. Most of the program is transparent, but I’m having some problems with the outlining, and the help doesn’t.
3. That was my hunch too about the “silly games.” If so, however, it’s kind of an obscure reference in advertising.