Re: Quick & dirty outlining
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2140
Posted by zeoli
2004-08-23 21:54:35
Some of GrandView’s most important features (to me):
1. As part of each topic in the outline, you could have an entire word processing document, which could be viewed as part of the outline, or in its own screen… virtually making GV an word processor.
2. Meta data, called categories, could be completely customized for each outline. Viewing this meta data in columns was just one of the features. This data could be auto assigned, based on rules you set up.
3. Hot links to other outlines (not a common feature in those days).
4. Hoisting, marking and gathering, cloning, collapsing, jumping, sending…
5. All the functions could be accessed easily from the keyboard. And the key strokes seemed to make sense and were usually easy to remember—this might just be me, but I have never found another program that seemed so keyboard-friendly.
I’m sure I’m leaving out a few things, because it has been years since I’ve used GV. Just talking about it makes me wistful for the old days!
Steve Z.