Re: Quick & dirty outlining
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2138
Posted by srdiamond15
2004-08-23 19:28:00
Could someone summarize for me what was great about GrandView, which was way before my time on Windows? I have heard it resembled More on the Mac, but unlike More, it seems to have had columns. Am I correct that it was a DOS program that never made it to Windows.
The other day I downloaded Ecco Pro. I hadn’t previously even known that it was available at no cost. (When people ask why outliners aren’t fluorishing, there might be a very simple answer. Why pay for one when something in some ways better than anything current comes free. Or is everyone as ignorant as I?)
Actually, I wasn’t overwhelmed by Ecco, although it probably suffices for many users. Notably, it is limited to 9 levels and lacks a hoist command. ADM is stronger and NoteMap is easier to use, but they don’t have integrated contacts and scheduling, which many people probably want. Not I.
So how does GrandView stack up to Ecco? Was it the same kind of program? I’ve gathered that like Zoot, Grandview had rules for folder actions. But what was it like as an outliner? One or two panes? How did it mark and gather+ Did it hoist? How strong was its find command?