Re: Vitally needed functions
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 2017
Posted by cfournier
2004-07-08 12:34:56
“Networking” is an underdevelopped capability. The tree provide a functional filing system to capture, store and organize simple information - it can also become a limitation.
After all, we store information for future use, not for the pleasure of storing. An outliner should be an “information-processor.” In order to process data into concept, we should be able to open multiple windows, multiple database/datastructure and link everything and anything, within notes, between notes, between notes and another link, or database, or word/symbol in other note (within another database) etc.
Outliners should allow us to create a network of links between notes, nodes, hyperlinks, databases, external files, but also map it (primavera or any prededence type scheduling program can display networks either as list/schedule or logic diagram). We should be able to switch from tree to logic structure.
Lastly, outliners should stop being “outliners.” The tree is the backbone of the datastructure or “outline.” But this must be understood as a “meta-outline.” A wordprocessor should allow us to create simple outline within the notes. To date, the numbering/outlining capability of those wordprocessors is less than adequate. An alternative would be to chose a default wordprocessor to edit notes - I have of course outlook in mind.
There are already very good and sofisticated mail clients, relational databases, wordprocessors and internet browsers out there. Why not use them instead of trying to compete with them front to front? By trying to be everything, outliners end up forgetting what they are or ought to become. Outliners shall become meta-information processor, and leave data/word processing to Wordperfect, Lotus WordPro, etc. Lotus SmartCenter (included in Lotus Smart Suite) is an interesting example.