MoreĀ® 3.1
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 1538
Posted by David.J.Matz
2002-12-31 13:07:30
I just found your site and am amazed! I thought I was the last person in the US who could still even spell MoreÆ 3.1. I started using MoreÆ with my first MAC back in the 80’s and have refused to give it up. I’m now using it on laptop with OSX 10.2.2 in Classic mode. It works flawlessly. I just wish it were native X.
The only problem with this progam is that I can’t easily transfer files to my PC buddies or to my technicians or secretaries, who often are using PCs. MoreÆ‘s is a fantastic program, but it loses a lot of its value if I have to convert to Word and lose all the active outlining functions, or convert to Powerpoint and lose the ability to edit the charts.
MoreÆ isn’t just an outliner. It was the best Presentation application on the market; and still is. I can’t understand how Symantec couldn’t sell the functionality to Microsoft for Powerpoint. With MoreÆ I can be asked to give a quickie presentation and in 10 minutes put together the outline and turn it into an automatically organized set of bullet charts. Give me 5 minutes more and I can give you all the pretty backgrounds and formatting that you get with Powerpoint - and all the animation too. With Powerpoint you have to generate each chart one at a time. You can make an outline, but can only tranfer the outline to your charts. You can’t automatically make charts organized according to your outline. That’s a tremendous benefit that MoreÆ brings.
Unfortunately, I have had to stop using it as my main presentation software, since I often need to be able to E-Mail my presentions to folks who are using PCs and don’t have access to MoreÆ. Unfortunately, it is a major hassle to transmograffy a set of Notes charts into Powerpoint. You have to do it slide by slide and then the slides can’t be re-edited.
I still use MoreÆ as my main idea collector and organizer, daily note take, meeting notes organizer, experiment planner, etc. It even lets me set up a tree diagram based on the outline - with no hassle. It’s the best single piece of software I’ve ever owned.
I hope this webpage catches on and many more MAC users get the opportunity to try it out. Thanks for putting this webpage together and Good Luck!
Dave Matz