Re: My two cents
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 160
Posted by mfischer
1999-08-17 05:32:27
By all means get an iMac, or better yet, an iBook, and switch to MORE. I switched from using PCs to Macs in 1992, primarily because of MORE 3.1. The outliner as a generic category is a fundamentally superior approach to dealing with capturing thoughts and structuring text. However, MORE 3.1, goes further by extending outlining into a tool that is useful for creating and maintaing DOCUMENTS of arbitrary format and complexity (due to its heirarchical rule-based formatting). In addition, MORE is not only the most advanced outliner product, but has a user interface that integrates better than other outliners both with the PROCESS of capturing structured textual information and with the MacOS for productive document work flow (pre-AppleScript and pre-HTML).
I discovered the power of the outlining paradigm with the Brown Bag Outliner (PC Outline) in about 1985, then switched to Grandview when it came out. In 1992, the combination of MORE 3.1 and the PowerBook 170 created the first portable solution that could replace a desktop system for (textual) document creation, rather than being a front-end adjunct to the desktop. The uniformity and attention to detail in the MORE 3 user interface also allowed me to take meeting notes, while participating in the technical content of the meeting, with results that could be printed, in rough but usable form for all participants not just the author, at meeting adjournment. To date, no other tool comes close in this area, so MORE 3.1 (now on a PBG3) remains my primary tool for notes and short document creation, as well as maintaining hundreds of documents from the past 7 years.