ADM: An Outliner On Steroids!
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 1056
Posted by eric
2001-05-05 02:23:16
Hi there,
I’d like to invite any interested members to participate in a forthcoming beta test of a powerful new kind of knowledge management and outlining product.
I’m Eric Sommer, CO-CEO and chief program designer for ADM: The Knowledge Management Desktop, a product which will include ability to manage all your relationships to all your data-objects (files, URL’s, etc.), whether on your hard-drive, lan, wan, or the internet, from a single hierarchical interface.
This interface features a super-powerful outliner with a radically new - and radically more powerful - design for managing both topics and appeneded data-objects.
Are you tired, as I am, of `me-too’ outliners which all borrow the same old formats from one another?
Have you grown weary, as I did, from downloading the endless `pims’ (personal information managers), with their poor imitations of the already terribly weak outlining powers of internet explorer?
Do you also find that the windows interface - with its folders and tiny icons - is a patheticly weak, and almost unintelligible, way to manage your data?
If your answer to these questions is `yes’, then you will not be disappointed by ADM. It is truely an `outliner on steroids’, with a unique data-structure design, which allows users to organize, access, and share all their data, all their projects, and all their document processes, from a single integrated interface - an interface which allows the user to rapidly construct and `rip through’ tens or even hundreds of thousands of hierarchicly structured topics/descriptors at lightening speed, while also appending any pertinent external documents, URL’s or resources.
Our product is already in alpha stage, with many - but by no means all - of its functions working. I’ll be announcing the first beta release in within 2 months.
Any members who would like to participate in the beta testing are urged to send an email now to
We’ll put you on our beta-list and send you the download instructions when the beta is ready.
Once the beta is distributed, we would also like to entertain any suggestions that members have as to additional features or functionality they would like to see in our program. At the moment, as I’m sure you can imagine, we have our hands full with laying down the basics.
Yours for happy outlining,
Eric Sommer